Sunday, August 9, 2009

Birthday, Blessing, & More!

So I am officially a quarter of a century! I know, I know 10 years from now I'll look back and wish I was 25 again but for now it is a hard age to accept. For my birthday Joel took me to the Homestead (Thanks Gary & Julie!) to stay where we had massages and swam in a crater. He also took the day off and we went shopping and had a great time! On top of all that we had a couple family & friends dinner celebrations. I was definitely spoiled!!! Thanks everyone!

Joel, Katie, and I went to the temple open house. It was absolutley beautiful. I love seeing all the different temples. The temple is such a peaceful place and safe-haven from the world. I am so grateful for temples!

Bridger also had his baby blessing. He looked so hansom in his little white outfit! Joel blessed him and did such an amazing job. No joke I cried like a baby through the entire thing! I am just so lucky to have such a great husband who continually impresses me. He always makes me want to be a better person! We had a little lunch with all the fam. afterwards and it turned out really nice. Thank you everyone who came to support Katie and the baby.

It was a busy, busy week!!! Check out the slide show...