Friday, January 20, 2012

A year of little sleep and lots of caffeine…

Last May me and my bff decided to have a “craft day” while our husbands golfed. We made bread, a dress, and cupcakes. A week later we had our own little business called Chubby Hubby Cupcakes. It was a complete whirlwind of staying up late making hundreds of cupcakes and going to work the next day. It has been a creative and fun adventure! Also me and my bff did a couple races including the Women of Steel, Speedy Spaniard 10k, Vegas Ragnar (which included a 2am 7 mile run on a dirt trail in the middle of the desert—very memorable!) and the Halloween half marathon. In between all of that I went on two family vacations one to Lake Powell and the other to Yellowstone. Both were a blast! I also went to St.George with the girls from work—my favorite part of the trip was hiking Angel’s Landing. I ended the year with my 7 year anniversary and my sister's wedding. My sister was a beautiful bride and I stayed busy planning, catering (cupcakes and wedding cake) and being the maid of honor!


visit us at




Beautiful Yellowstone


Angel’s Landing


First time as the Maid of Honor and first time making a wedding cake!


It snowed like crazy the night of our anniversary…hasn’t snowed much since:)

Hope everyone had a wonderful 2011 and may your 2012 be even better!