Sunday, June 22, 2008

I'm the worst Blogger...

So I am officially the worst blogger EVER! I guess I just don't have any exciting things going on. I am taking the summer off of school, while Joel is still plugging along. We don't have much planned this summer (except for Lake Powell) so we have been trying to enjoy the warm weather by going on walks and bike rides. I hope the summer doesn't go as quickly as the past few months have gone by. I love the warm weather! The sunshine seriously makes me happy. Speaking of warmth and sunny weather, I don't know if this is normal or not but my dogs LOVE the heat. Let me give you a few examples... Everytime I take the clothes out of the dryer my dogs work their way in them and fall fast asleep (It makes folding a little difficult). Also if there is a lit fireplace or a heater on anywhere you will find my dogs right there. In the winter when I would get home from work I would put a blanket over the heater to get warm. My dogs wouldn't just be next to me but would be under the blanket and right on top of the heater. While I'm home during the day I always find them on my bed. My comforter is white so they have learned to "stay off the white" and sleep on the blanket at the foot of my bed. I think they are a little wierd if you ask me but here are a few pics of them. * My favorite is of Dixie sleeping on her back with her paws straight up in the air- how cute right! *